
It was the honor of a lifetime to give the annual Charles Dotter lecture at the Western Angiography and Interventional Society meeting last month. I have Sabeen Dhand, this year's meeting program director, to thank for bestowing this honor. It was a ton of fun putting this together and I got to share a number of personal stories that, hopefully, the audience found entertaining and enlightening.

I admit it was a bit nerve wracking: I don't often share personal stories in a wide public forum or medical meetings (the irony being that I AM willing to video myself sitting on the crapper, see session 9B). I couldn't help but feel a bit vulnerable. What made it so enjoyable for me was how kind, supportive, and receptive the audience was. I felt I was amongst friends and peers, many of whom I do not personally know and yet we are connected by being IRs. It helped me relax, focus, and enjoy the experience.

The lecture can be viewed here:

My lecture is session 9A. I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed putting it together.